Customizable Server Messages
When License server APIs are called, they return error messages that are not customizable.
For convenience, a small set of these messages can be customized in the License Server's web.config file.
Used when deactivating a license
Activation Key {0} has been released from computer {1}.
{0}: Activation Key {1}: Computer Name
Used when a user tries to activate a license that has multiple activations and no more licenses are available
All the available licenses have already been activated.
Used when a user tries to activate a license that has a single activation and no more licenses are available
The license {0} has already been activated on a system called {1} on {2} [{3}].
{0}: Activation Key {1}: Computer Name {2}: Current Date {3}: Computer ID
When customizing the message value, QLM will replace the {x} place holders with the proper value as described in the table above. Extreme caution must be exercised when constructing your message. A badly formatted message might cause an exception in the server.
Last updated