2Checkout - How to integrate QLM with Avangate / 2checkout


If you are using Avangate / 2checkout as an eCommerce provider, QLM integrates seamlessly with the 2Checkout ordering system. After completing the steps below, when a customer purchases your product from 2checkout, 2checkout will automatically get a license key from the QLM License Server and then update the QLM database with the license and customer information.


To configure 2checkout to invoke QLM during an order, perform the following in the 2checkout Control Panel:

  • Click on the Setup menu item.

  • Click Fulfillment

  • Go to the Electronic Delivery tab

  • In the "Add New Code List" panel, enter a List Name, set the List type to "Dynamic" and click on "Add List".

  • Click the "Set URL..." button next to the URL field.

  • In the Debug Url field enter the following value


  • You should update the URL above to point to your server and specify your product ID, major and minor versions.

  • Select a product from the list.

  • Click on the "Step 4. Debug" button.

  • When you get the "Success" message, click the "Step 5. Save URL" button.

  • Close the dialog.

  • Click on the "Update " button

Finally, in the Assigned Products section, add the required product to the "Assigned Products" list.


To prevent unauthorized access to the QLM service, you can also specify a username/password in the URL above by adding the is_user and is_pwd arguments. For example:

https://qlm3.net/qlmdemo/qlmLicenseServer/qlmservice.asmx/GetActivationKey?is_vendor=avangate&is_productid=1&is_majorversion=1&is_minorversion=0&is_qlmversion=5.0.00&is_licensemodel=permanent&is_user=john&is_pwd=12345 The same user/password combination must be specified in the QLM Application under Manage Keys / Commerce Providers for the Avangate entry.

Additionally, as of QLM v18.0.24200.1, you can enable SHA2 integrity validation. To enable SHA2 validation:

  • In the 2Checkout control panel, go to Integrations / Webhooks & API

  • On the Webooks & API tab, copy the Secret Key to your clipboard

  • Go to the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys / 3rd Party Extensions / 2checkout/Avangate

  • Paste the Secret Key in the "Shared Key" field then click OK

Now that the Electronic delivery list is created, you need to associate it with your product. To do so:

  • Click on the Products menu item then select your product.

  • Click on the Fulfillment tab.

  • Select "Fulfillment made through 2Checkout delivery (binary keys, activation codes, Backup Media, product file, DIS)"

  • In the Content & methods section, select "Electronic code/key / binary file"

  • In the "Activation codes settings" section, select the Code list you created earlier.

  • In the "Additional fulfillment information - by email", customize the email template.

To place a test order:

  • Click on the Products menu item then select your product.

  • Click on the Information tab.

  • Click on "Get buy links for this product"

  • Scroll down the page and click on "Place a test order"

  • In the "Activation codes settings" section, select the Code list you created earlier.

  • In the "Additional fulfillment information - by email", customize the email template.

Tips: Credit Card: 4111111111111111, CVV2: 123

Name: John Doe


Maintenance Plan

To add a maintenance plan option to your product, follow the steps below:

Create a Maintenance Plan product

  • Click Add Product to create a new product

  • Set the Product Name to Yearly Maintenance Plan, or any name of your choice

  • Set the Product Type to "Regular"

  • Set the price

  • Set the billing cycle to 12 months, or any period of your choice

  • Save your product

Create a product bundle

  • Click Add product

  • Set the Product Name to Product Bundle, or any name of your choice

  • Set the Product Type to "Bundle"

  • From the Available Products list, select your product and the Yearly MaintenancePlan and add them to the "Bundled Products" list

  • Save your product bundle

Add a fulfillment to renew the maintenance plan

  • Click on the Setup menu item.

  • Click Fulfillment

  • Go to the Electronic Delivery tab

  • In the "Add New Code List" panel, enter a List Name such as RenewMaintenancePlan, set the List type to "Dynamic" and click on "Add List".

  • Click on the "Debug ..." button next to the URL field.

  • In the Debug Url field enter the following value:


  • You should update the URL above to point to your server

  • Add the Yearly Maintenance product to the "Selected products" list

  • Click on the "Step 3. Debug" button.

  • When you get the "Success" message, click on the "Step 4. Save URL" button.

  • Close the dialog.

  • Click on the "Update" button

Last updated