How to email a monthly analytics report
The steps below show how to configure QLM to send an email with a monthly analytics report.
Create a custom search that returns monthly analytics data
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Manage Keys tab
Click the "search" dropdown and select "edit searches"
Click Add to add a new search
Enter a name such as: Analytics Report
Uncheck Favorite
Set the Table to: "Analytics Installs"
Set the SQL to: LastAccessedDate > [today_start - 30]
Click Ok
Create an email template
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Manage Keys tab
Click Templates
Click New to create a new template and set the name to "Analytics Report"
In the email template, enter the special tag: ***qlm_table_start***
Create a table such as the one below, then click Save. Note that you can select any field available in the qryAnalyticsInstallsView. The fields are included at the end of this article.
Create a scheduled task
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Manage Keys tab
Click Scheduled tasks
Click Add to add a new scheduled task
Set the name of the task
Set the License Server
Set the Search dropdown to the search created in step 1 of this article
Set the frequency to run every 30 days
Click Enable Email Notifications
Uncheck "Send to customer" and "Send to use group owner"
In the cc field, enter the email address of the recipient
Enter a subject
Select an email profile
Select an email account
Set the Email Template to the Email Template created above
Close the Scheduled Tasks editor
Fields available in the Analytics email template
ActivationDate ActivationKey Company ComputerID ComputerKey ComputerName ComputerType Country CustomData1 CustomData2 CustomData3 DaysInstalled DaysUsed DaysUsedUpdated Disabled Email Features FullName IdleDays IncludeInMailList InstalledDate InstallID IPAddress LastAccessedDate LicenseModel MaintenanceRenewalDate OrderDate OS ProductID ProductMajorVersion ProductMinorVersion ProductName SoftwareVersion SubscriptionExpiryDate Trial UninstallDate
Last updated