Paypal - How to create a paypal Buy Now button that integrates with QLM

To create a Paypal Buy Now button that connects to QLM, generates a license key and emails it to the customer:

  • Login to (you need to repeat these steps on the real PayPal site once you have tested the whole process)

  • In the Settings menu, select Account Settings

  • In the Notifications section, locate the Instant payment notifications section

  • Click Update

  • Click Choose IPN Settings

  • In the Notification URL field, enter (update the URL to point to your QLM License Server):

  • Check the option Receive IPN messages (Enabled)

  • Click Save

Next, we will create the button.

  • Locate Paypal buttons in My Selling Tools and click Update

  • Click the Create new button

  • Set the button type to : Buy Now

  • Set Item Name to your Product Name

  • Set Item ID to any value of your choice

  • Set Price to any value of your choice

  • Expand Step3: Customize advanced features

  • Check the Advanced variables section

  • Enter the following in this section (replace values to match your own product): custom=&is_productid=1&is_majorversion=1&is_minorversion=0&is_features=0:1;1:3&is_licensemodel=permanent&is_productname=Demo&is_emailtemplate=Paypal.NewOrder

  • Click Save Changes

  • On the next page, copy the Website HTML code and save it in an HTML file, say paypalqlm.html, on your desktop or website

Testing the Buy Now button

  • Open paypalqlm.html and click the Buy Now button

  • Follow the steps required to place this test order.

  • Within a 2-5 minutes, check the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys tab to confirm that a new license was created

  • If no license is created, check the QLM Event Log to diagnose the issue. You can increase the logging level from Manage Keys / Sites / Server Properties / PayPal / paypalLoggingLevel. The highest level of logging is 15. You should always restore the loggingLevel to its default value of 3 when done.

Email Template

You can customize the email template to use when sending an email to the customer. To customize the email template, add the is_emailtemplate argument as shown above. The email template can be created from the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys / Email Templates. The email template can contain any PayPal variable such as %payer_email% or %ProductName%.

As of QLM 9.0.16228.1, the is_emailtemplate argument can be used with templates created in the QLM Management Console / Templates Editor. For example, if you create a template in the QLM Templates Editor called NewOrder, set the is_template as follows: &is_emailtemplate=NewOrder

QLM 9.0.16228.1+ includes 4 Paypal specific templates: Paypal.NewOrder, Paypal.NewSubscription, PayPal.RenewSubscription and Paypal.CancelSubscription.

Last updated