Paypal - How to create a paypal Buy Now button that integrates with QLM
To create a Paypal Buy Now button that connects to QLM, generates a license key and emails it to the customer:
Login to (you need to repeat these steps on the real PayPal site once you have tested the whole process)
In the Settings menu, select Account Settings
In the Notifications section, locate the Instant payment notifications section
Click Update
Click Choose IPN Settings
In the Notification URL field, enter (update the URL to point to your QLM License Server):
Check the option Receive IPN messages (Enabled)
Click Save
Next, we will create the button.
Locate Paypal buttons in My Selling Tools and click Update
Click the Create new button
Set the button type to : Buy Now
Set Item Name to your Product Name
Set Item ID to any value of your choice
Set Price to any value of your choice
Expand Step3: Customize advanced features
Check the Advanced variables section
Enter the following in this section (replace values to match your own product): custom=&is_productid=1&is_majorversion=1&is_minorversion=0&is_features=0:1;1:3&is_licensemodel=permanent&is_productname=Demo&is_emailtemplate=Paypal.NewOrder
Click Save Changes
On the next page, copy the Website HTML code and save it in an HTML file, say paypalqlm.html, on your desktop or website
Testing the Buy Now button
Open paypalqlm.html and click the Buy Now button
Follow the steps required to place this test order.
Within a 2-5 minutes, check the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys tab to confirm that a new license was created
If no license is created, check the QLM Event Log to diagnose the issue. You can increase the logging level from Manage Keys / Sites / Server Properties / PayPal / paypalLoggingLevel. The highest level of logging is 15. You should always restore the loggingLevel to its default value of 3 when done.
Email Template
You can customize the email template to use when sending an email to the customer. To customize the email template, add the is_emailtemplate argument as shown above. The email template can be created from the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys / Email Templates. The email template can contain any PayPal variable such as %payer_email% or %ProductName%.
As of QLM 9.0.16228.1, the is_emailtemplate argument can be used with templates created in the QLM Management Console / Templates Editor. For example, if you create a template in the QLM Templates Editor called NewOrder, set the is_template as follows: &is_emailtemplate=NewOrder
QLM 9.0.16228.1+ includes 4 Paypal specific templates: Paypal.NewOrder, Paypal.NewSubscription, PayPal.RenewSubscription and Paypal.CancelSubscription.
Last updated