Common Searches

This article shows how to create common searches to retrieve data that meet specific criteria.

Licenses that were never activated

This search displays all licences that have never been activated.

  • Go to the Manage Keys tab

  • Click the "search" dropdown and click Edit Searches

  • Click Add to add a new search

  • Set the name of the search to: Never Activated

  • Set the Table to: <Default>

  • Set the SQL field to: ActivationDate is null and ReleaseDate is null

  • Click OK

  • In the right-hand panel, locate the newly created search and click it to display the data.

Licenses that are not activated

This search displays licences that are not currently activated. This includes never-activated licenses and licenses that were previously activated but are presently deactivated.

  • Go to the Manage Keys tab

  • Click the "search" dropdown and click Edit Searches

  • Click Add to add a new search

  • Set the name of the search to: Non Activated

  • Set the Table to: <Default>

  • Set the SQL field to: ActivationDate is null

  • Click OK

  • In the right-hand panel, locate the newly created search and click it to display the data.

Licenses that are revoked

This search displays licences that have been revoked

  • Go to the Manage Keys tab

  • Click the "search" dropdown and click Edit Searches

  • Click Add to add a new search

  • Set the name of the search to: Revoked

  • Set the Table to: <Default>

  • Set the SQL field to: Disabled = 1

  • Click OK

  • In the right-hand panel, locate the newly created search and click it to display the data.

Licenses that do not have a maintenance plan

This search displays licences that have do not have a maintenance plan.

  • Go to the Manage Keys tab

  • Click the "search" dropdown and click Edit Searches

  • Click Add to add a new search

  • Set the name of the search to: No Maintenance Plan

  • Set the Table to: <Default>

  • Set the SQL field to: MaintenanceRenewalDate is null

  • Click OK

  • In the right-hand panel, locate the newly created search and click it to display the data.

Licenses that have expired

This search displays licences that have expired.

  • Go to the Manage Keys tab

  • Click the "search" dropdown and click Edit Searches

  • Click Add to add a new search

  • Set the name of the search to: Expired Licenses

  • Set the Table to: <Default>

  • Set the SQL field to: SubscriptionExpiryDate < [today_start-1]

  • Click OK

  • In the right-hand panel, locate the newly created search and click it to display the data.

Last updated