Variable License Binding
In some scenarios, you may want to use a different license binding method per customer.
QLM Enterprise's Variable License Binding allows you to associate a binding method with a QLM feature.
Defining Product Features
The first step in configuring Variable License Binding is to define a new feature per license binding method. To do so:
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Define Products tab
Select your product
For each license binding method that you'd like to support, add a corresponding feature
Defining the variable license binding
Next, you must associate a different license binding method with each feature.
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Protect Your Application tab
Step to the "Customize Look & Feel / Behavior" page
Go to the License Properties section
Set the QlmLicenseBinding property to "PerFeature"
Click the dropdown box next to QlmLicenseBindingPerFeature and configure the mapping as required
Complete the wizard and generate the XML/Source code files.
Update your application to use the newly generated files
Creating an Activation Key
When creating an Activation Key for a customer, select the corresponding feature to enforce the required license binding.
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