FastSpring - How to integrate with FastSpring's New Contextual Storefront for a Regular Product
FastSpring's Contextual StoreFront uses webhooks to send order information to external services such as QLM. QLM 9.2+ can process FastSpring's webhook notification and create the required license keys based on the order.
Step 1 - Adding a webhook
Login to the FP storefront
Expand the Developer Tools section
Click Webhooks
Go to the Configuration tab
Click "Add Webhook"
Set the Title to "QLM"
Set "Get webhooks from:" Live and Test Orders
Click Add
Click Add WebHook Url
In the URL field, enter:
Update the URL above to point to your License Server. Update the credentials to match the credentials you defined in the QLM Management Console / Manage Keys / eCommerce Providers
In the Events section, check "order.completed"
Click Add
Step 2 - Product Configuration
In order to create a license associated with a given product, you must add a FastSpring Fulfillment Action as described below:
Select your Product in FastSpring
In the Fulfillment section, click ADD FULFILLMENT
Check the "Generate a License" radio button, select "Remote Server Request" then click Next
In the URL field, enter:
Update the URL above as required to match your own server and product
Set the Method to: HTTP POST
Set the Encoding to: UTF-8
Set the Output Format to: Single-Line License (Quantity Based)
Next, click the Options dropdown in the top menu and select Custom Attributes.
Set the KEY to: webhook_action
Set the Value to: UpdateUserInformation
Click Save
This completes the integration with FastSpring New Contextual Storefront.
You can now place a test order and confirm that:
A license key is properly created in QLM that matches the FastSpring order
Customer Contact Information is automatically created in QLM.
The email that's sent to the customer includes the License Key that was generated by QLM.
Create a Maintenance Plan subscription for a regular product
If you want to provide an option to sell a yearly maintenance plan associated with your regular product, follow the steps below:
Create a subscription product
Set the pricing and period as required
In the Fulfillment section, click ADD FULFILLMENT
Check the "Generate a License" radio button, select "Remote Server Request" then click Next
In the URL field, enter:
Update the URL above as required to match your own server and product
Set the Method to: HTTP POST
Set the Encoding to: UTF-8
Set the Output Format to: Single-Line License (Quantity Based)
Click the fulfillment again and go to the Advanced tab
In the Fulfillment Applicability, select "Applies to Rebills Only"
Click SAVE
Click the More dropdown button and select "Custom Attributes"
Add the following rows:
Row 1
Key: is_productid
Value: The ID of your product
Row 2
Key: webhook_action
Value: RenewMaintenancePlan
Click Save
Important Note:
If you use one of the available QLM options to create additional activations such that the number of allowed activations does not match the quantity of licenses purchased in FastSpring, you must add the following argument to the WebHook URL (in Step 1 of this article): &is_allow_quantity_mismatch=true
Last updated