Re-signing the xml settings file after modification
If you modify the content of a QLM settings file (generated by the Protect Your Application wizard), the digital signature of the file becomes invalid.
You must therefore re-digitally sign the file after any modification.
To sign the file, use the QlmSignFile.exe tool located in the QLM installation folder.
Usage: QlmSignFile.exe /productsFile <full path to the products file> /pid <product id> /major <major version> /minor <minor version> /file <full path to the xml file to sign>
/productsFile: Path to the xml file that contains the definition of your products. You can find the location of this file from: Manage Keys / Sites / Files and Folders / Products File
/pid: ID of your product. You can find the ID of your product in the Define Products tab.
/major: Major Version of your product. You can find the major version of your product in the Define Products tab.
/minor: Minor Version of your product. You can find the minorversion of your product in the Define Products tab.
/file: Path to the xml settings file generated by the Protect Your Application wizard.
QlmSignFile.exe /productsFile "C:\Users\tom\AppData\Roaming\Soraco\Quick License Manager\demo.products.xml" /pid 1 /major 1 /minor 1 /file "C:\Users\tom\Desktop\Qlm\Demo 1.0.lw.xml"
Running the command generates a new file called "Demo 1.0.lw.signed.xml" in the same folder as the original Demo 1.0.lw.xml. You must therefore ensure that the folder where "Demo 1.0.lw.xml" is located is a writable folder.
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