How to filter data by feature
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Features are stored in the database using the following syntax: <FeatureSet>:<FeatureID1|FeatureID2|...>;<FeatureSet><<FeatureID1|FeatureID2|...>
For example, the built-in Demo product has the following features:
If you enable all 3 features for a license, the information stored in the DB will be: 0:7;
In the QLM Management Console, you can filter licenses based on the value of the Features field in the database. To do so:
Go to the Manage Keys tab
In the ad-hoc query section, set the following:
Field: Features
Operator: like
Value: 0:7
Click "search"
You can also filter data locally by using the grid features to group data by a specific column. Follow the instructions below to perform a local grouping of licenses by feature.
Go to the Manage Keys tab
Click 'all orders' to view all the orders in the system (you can also select another search based on your requirements)
Locate the "Enabled Features" column in the grid
Drag the "Enabled Features" column to the section labeled "Drag a column header here to group by that column"
Licenses will now be grouped by enabled feature