Product definition changes are not saved
Last updated
Last updated
[This article does not apply to QLM Express customers. It is only relevant for QLM Pro, Enterprise or Doc customers.]
If you make changes to the product definition in the QLM Management Console / Define Products tab and the changes do not seem to get saved, follow the steps below to rectify the issue.
Launch the QLM Management Console.
Go to the Manage Keys tab.
Click Sites.
Go to the Files and Folders tab.
Copy the path of the Products File field to the clipboard.
Click Cancel to close the dialog window.
Next, click the Settings icon and select Options as shown below:
Locate the Products file path field.
Delete the current value then paste the path that you copied earlier to the clipboard.
Click Ok.
Restart QLM.
Go to the Define Products tab and make any change to the product as needed.
Click the Save button.
Go to the Manage Keys tab.
You should be prompted to upload your products to the server.
Answer 'yes' to upload the new product definition to the server.