How to limit the number of deactivations
QLM provides 3 server properties that you can use to control the number of allowed deactivations.
maxReleaseCount: The maximum number of times an end-user can release a license.
maxReleasePerClient: When counting the number of released licenses for a given activation key, count only the ones associated to a specific client. By default, QLM counts all the released licenses for a given activation regardless of the client system.
maxReleasePeriodInDays: When counting the number of released licenses, only count the ones that have been released in the past "maxReleasePeriodInDays" days. For example, if you want to allow a user to release a license twice per month, set maxReleasePeriodInDays to 30 and maxReleaseCount to 2.
As of QLM v14, MaxReleaseCount and MaxReleasePeriodInDays can be configured per license. To configure these settings per license, locate a license in the Manage Keys tab, then click Edit and update these settings are required.
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