Offline activation of License Files
When protecting a cross-platform app with License Files, in the event a client does not have an internet connection to activate a license online, you can perform an offline activation as described below.
1. From the QLM Management Console
In the QLM application, under the Manage Keys tab, locate and select the license to activate.
Click on the Activate button.
Fill in the Computer ID field on the Activation tab along with other fields as required.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Select a location where you would like to store a license file on your system then click Ok.
Send the generated license file to your customer and ask them to copy it to the folder where your application expects the license file to be located.
2. From the QLM Portal
In the QLM Portal, under the Licenses tab, locate and select the license to activate.
Click on the Activate button.
Fill in the Computer ID field on the Activation tab along with other fields as required.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Click Download License File
Click Ok
A license file will be downloaded to the current computer
Send the generated license file to your customer and ask them to copy it to the folder where your application expects the license file to be located.
3. From the QLM Self Help
From a computer that has internet access, your customer loads the web page where you are hosting the QLM Self Help
Select "Activate a license"
Enter the Activation Key and Computer ID
Check "Generate a license file"
Click Activate
A license file will be automatically downloaded to the end user system
The user should then copy this file to the system that is offline in a location specific to your application
4. From the QLM API
You can also call the ValidateLicenseHttp method to download the QLM License file.
Last updated