Send aggregated email notifications per subscription, order or email


When sending email notification reminders to your customers, you can configure the email to aggregate all licenses associated with a given subscription, order, or customer.

For example. a customer might have purchased a unique subscription for 3 of your products. To avoid sending the customer 3 email notifications, QLM can aggregate the information from the 3 products into a single email notification.

This feature is available in QLM Enterprise only as of QL Mv14.1.

Scheduled Task Configuration

  • Launch the QLM Management Console

  • Go to the Manage Keys tab

  • Click Scheduled Tasks

  • Click Add to add a new task

  • Configure the task as required

  • On the Email tab, set the Aggregate Emails field to: Per Subscription

Email Message Configuration

The email message of an aggregated email is comprised of 2 components:

  • Customer and order-related information

  • Product related information

Customer and order-related information is typically used in the top section of the email and would look like:

Hi %FullName%,

This is a reminder for your subscription %ReceiptID%

Product-related information may contain multiple items and would look like:

<p class="qlm_table">***qlm_table_start***</p> 

<table class="table_data" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
<tr >
<th class="td_header_products">Product</th>
<th class="td_header_products">Features</th>
<th class="td_header_products">Duration</th>
<th class="td_header_products"># Licenses</th>
<th class="td_header_products"># Floating</th>
<td class="td_row">%ProductName%</td>
<td class="td_num_row">%EnabledFeatures%</td>
<td class="td_num_row">%SubscriptionDuration%</td>
<td class="td_num_row">%NumLicenses%</td>
<td class="td_num_row">%FloatingSeats%</td>

An example email template is attached to this article.

Last updated