Send aggregated email notifications per subscription, order or email
When sending email notification reminders to your customers, you can configure the email to aggregate all licenses associated with a given subscription, order, or customer.
For example. a customer might have purchased a unique subscription for 3 of your products. To avoid sending the customer 3 email notifications, QLM can aggregate the information from the 3 products into a single email notification.
This feature is available in QLM Enterprise only as of QL Mv14.1.
Scheduled Task Configuration
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Manage Keys tab
Click Scheduled Tasks
Click Add to add a new task
Configure the task as required
On the Email tab, set the Aggregate Emails field to: Per Subscription
Email Message Configuration
The email message of an aggregated email is comprised of 2 components:
Customer and order-related information
Product related information
Customer and order-related information is typically used in the top section of the email and would look like:
Product-related information may contain multiple items and would look like:
An example email template is attached to this article.
Last updated