QLM API Categories
Client-Side API
API used in your application that performs local operations without contacting the License Server
License Server Application API
API used in your application that contacts the License Server to query or update information
License Server Management API
API used outside the context of your application to integrate QLM with other 3rd party tools such as a CRM system.
Analytics API
API related to the QLM Analytics features in QLM Enterprise
Cloud-based Floating License API
API used in your application for operations related to Cloud-based floating licenses.
On-premise Floating License API
API used in your application for operations related to on-premise floating licenses.
API that can be invoked via a URL, typically used for integration with eCommerce providers.
QLM API Classes
This is the main licensing class that provides access to the core functionality of QLM.
Hold license information
Class to extract hardware information
Holds customer information
Exposes all methods related to the Analytics feature
Helper class for cloud-based floating licenses
Helper class for on-premise floating licenses
Main class for on-premise floating licenses
Manages a collection of Product Properties
Main class for working with product properties
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