FastSpring - How to integrate QLM with FastSpring (Classic)
If you are using FastSpring as an eCommerce provider, QLM integrates seamlessly with FastSpring's ordering system. After completing the steps below, when a customer purchases your product from FastSpring, FastSpring will automatically get a license key from the QLM web service and then update the QLM database with the license and customer information.
To integrate FastSpring with QLM, perform the following in the FastSpring Control Panel:
FastSpring Setup for a Basic Product
Select your product in the FastSpring Control Panel
Add a Fulfillment Action:
On the Licenses tab, select "Remote" and click on Next
Set the URL to:
You should update the URL above to point to your server and specify your product ID, major and minor version.
POST Encoding: UTF-8
License Name Type: Person Full Name + Email Address
Output Format: Plain Text, Single-Line License
Click on Create
Click on Save
In the Fulfilment Actions section, click on Add
Select Email / Web Notification and click Next
Reuse Options: Reusable On Multiple Products
Subject : #{orderItem.display} - Order #{order.reference}
Email Text Contents : You can download #{orderItem.display} from: Soraco Technologies
You can customize the Email Html and Web tabs as well.
Should you have any questions please contact us at:
Your Activation Key is: #{orderItem.fulfillment.license.outcome.licenses.list}
Thank you for your purchase of #{orderItem.display}. Dear #{order.customer.fullName},
FastSpring Setup for Updating Contact Information
To transfer the contact information from FastSpring to QLM, follow the steps below:
From the FastSpring Control Panel Home page, click on the "Notify" icon in the top toolbar.
Click on Add Notification Rule.
Format: HTTP Remote Server Call.
Type: Order Notification.
Remote Server URL:
Click on Next
In the HTTP Parameters section, click on Add Parameter.
Name: is_avkey
Value: #{orderItem.fulfillment.license.outcome.licenses.list}
Click on Add Parameter again.
Name: is_vendor
Value: fastspring
Optionally, add an is_user and is_pwd parameters to enforce authentication. The user and password can be specified from the QLM Application, under Manager Keys / Commerce Providers.
With the steps above completed, place a test order by clicking on the FastSpring Control Panel Home page, then Store Testing. Once your test order is completed, an activation key will be created in the QLM database along with the corresponding customer and order information.
FastSpring Setup for Maintenance Plan
If you sell a yearly maintenance plan to your customer, you can configure FastSpring to automatically update the maintenance plan expiry date in QLM.
Click on Products and Pages
Click on Create Subscription Product
Name: Yearly Maintenance Plan
Regular Period Length: 1 year
USD: xx
Click on Create
In the Fulfillment section, click on Add
Click on the License tab, select Remote and click Next
License Name Type: Person Full Name + Email
Click on Create
Click on Save
Click on the Home button
Click on Custom Fields
Click on Create Customer Field Configuration
Click on Next
Display: Activation Key
Click on Add Form Field
Input Type: Textbox
Required: Yes
Name: custom_referrer
Question Text: Activation Key
Question Description: Enter your current activation key (starts with the letter A)
Click on Add
Click on Save
Click on Save
In the Conditions section, click on Edit
Select Order Environment Condition and click Next
Environment Tag Exists: is_maintenance_plan
Click on Create
Click on Save
Click on the Home page
To test the maintenance plan configuration:
FastSpring Setup for Purchasing an Upgrade
If you sell upgrades to a specific version of your software, you can integrate FastSpring with QLMâs license upgrade feature.
Create a Product in a way similar to the first section
Click on Create Product
Name: Upgrade
USD: xx
Click on Create
In the Fulfillment section, click on Add
Click on the License tab, select Remote and click Next
License Name Type: Person Full Name + Email
Click on Create
Click on Save
Create an Email Fulfillment similar to the main Product
Click on the Home button
Click on Custom Fields
Click on âcustom_referrerâ
In the Conditions section, click on Edit
In the Active Conditions section, click Edit
Environment Tag Exists: is_maintenance_plan, is_ugprade
Click on Save
Click on the Home page
To test the Product Upgrade configuration:
FastSpring Setup for a Subscription Product
If you sell a subscription based product, you can integrate FastSpring with QLMâs subscription renewal feature.
Create a Subscription-based Product in FastSpring
Click on Create Subscription Product
Name: Your Product
USD: xx
Click on Create
In the Fulfillment section, click on Add
Click on the License tab, select Remote and click Next
POST Encoding: UTF-8
Output Format: Single-Line License
Go to the Advanced tab
Set the Fulfillment Applicability to: Applies to Non-Rebills / First Orders Only
Go back to the Fulfillment section and click on Add
Click on the License tab, select Remote and click Next
POST Encoding: UTF-8
Output Format: Single-Line License
Go to the Advanced tab
Set the Fulfillment Applicability to: Applies Rebills Only
Create an Email Fulfillment similar to the main Product (details as described in the previous sections).
Click on Save
To test the Product Upgrade configuration:
Last updated