Jotform Integration
Through QLM's JotForm integration, you can build a user registration form in JotForm and connect the form to QLM such that whenever a user registers, a trial license is automatically created and sent to the customer by email.
Create and configure JotForm form
In JotForm, create a form with the following elements:
First Name (optional)
Last Name (optional)
Email (required)
Company (optional)
Phone (optional)
Country (optional)
Go to the Settings of the form above and select Integrations:
Click Thank you page
Select "Redirect to an external link after submission"
Set the following URL (update the URL to point to your site):
QLM Configuration
Field mappings
To map the JotForm fields to QLM:
In JotForm, edit your form and click the BUILD tab
Select the first field in your form
In the properties panel, click the Advanced tab and expand Field Details
Note the Unique Name value of this field and record it to be used later in the process
Repeat the steps above for all the fields on the form
Note that if a field is a combination of 2 values such as First Name and Last Name, the Unique Name value should be suffixed with []. Example: fullName[]
To map the JotForm fields to QLM fields:
On your License Server, locate the QlmCustomerSite folder
Open the web.config file with any text editor
Set the useThirdPartyRegistrationFields property to True
In the thirdPartyRegistrationFields section, set the field names captured in the previous section to the JotForm names in exactly the following order: Email, FirstName, LastName, Phone, Company
Arguments Definition
In the QLM Management Console:
Go to the Manage Keys tab and click Sites
Go to the Server Properties tab
Create a new custom server property by clicking the + sign in the right hand panel
Set the name of the new property to: jotform_args
Set the value of the new property to (update the values as needed): &is_productid=1&is_majorversion=1&is_minorversion=0&is_licensemodel=trial&is_emailtemplate=Customer.TrialRequest
Click Ok
Back to Jotform, open your form in a browser and register a user. Once registration is completed, a new license key will be created and emailed to the customer.
Customize the Response
To customize the response printed in the browser, you must:
Create an HTML fragment with the content that you wish to display. The HTML content can include a variable called %QlmResponse% which will be replaced by the QLM result of the trial request.
Encode your HTML fragment
To encode your html in the web.config file, use an online encoder such as
Place your HTML content on a single line
Use FreeFormatter to escape your HTML content so that it can be placed in the web.config
Update the QlmCustomerSite.Properties.Settings section in the QlmCustomerSite web.config file by adding a new setting called "registrationCustomResponse" as shown below:
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