How to add the QLM .NET Controls to the Visual Studio Toolbox
When you install QLM, the QLM .NET User Controls should get automatically added to your Visual Studio Toolbox. In some cases, if Visual Studio is open during the QLM installation, the registration of the QLM .NET controls may fail.
In order to add the QLM .NET User Controls to your Visual Studio Toolbox, follow the procedure below.
Automated Procedure
Close all instances of Visual Studio
Launch the QLM Management Console
Click the QLM icon in the top left-hand corner and select Options
On the General tab, click the Repair button and wait a few minutes
Manual Procedure
Launch Visual Studio
Open a WinForms form
Open the Visual Studio Toolbox by clicking View / Toolbox
Right-mouse click the ToolBox and select "Add Tab"
Enter QLM as the tab name
Select the QLM tab, then right mouse click and select Choose Items
Click Browse then select the QlmControls.dll located in C:\Program Files\Soraco\QuickLicenseMgr\Redistrib\.net 2.0 or C:\Program Files\Soraco\QuickLicenseMgr\Redistrib\.net 4.0 depending on whether your application is a .NET 2.0 or .NET 4.0 app.
Click Ok
You should see 4 QLM controls in the QLM tab. We recommend that you use the QlmWizardControl or the QLMActivationControl. QlmWebBasicActivationControl is an older version that is kept for backward compatibility. QlmExpressLicenseValidationControl should be used by QLM Express customers
Last updated