How to implement cloud-based floating licenses for cross-platform applications
If you are developing a cross-platform application and are using the QLM REST API to protect your non-Windows application, you can implement a cloud-based floating license mechanism by following the approach outlined in this article.
First-run workflow
When your application is launched for the first time from a system, follow the same approach as you would do for a normal node-locked license. Prompt the user for an Activation Key and use the ValidateLicenseHttp API to activate the license. If the activation is successful, a digitally signed license file is returned and stored on the end-user system (you must store the file).
Additionally, you must store the Activation Key so that you can retrieve it later.
When your application exits, you must do the following:
Call Releaselicensehttp to deactivate the license from the server.
Delete the license file stored in the previous step.
Subsequent runs
When your application is subsequently launched on the same system, you must do the following:
Retrieve the Activation Key stored in the previous step.
Call ValidateLicenseHttp API to activate the license with the Activation Key retrieved in the previous step. There should be no need to prompt the user.
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