How to simultaneously support node-locked and cloud-based floating licenses


To simultaneously support node-locked and cloud-based floating licenses, you can use QLM Features to identify if the license acquired by the customer should be a node locked license or a cloud-based floating license.

The general steps to accomplish this are:

  • Associate a new feature, called CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE, with your product.

  • When creating a license for a customer, specify whether the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature is enabled

  • In your application, check if the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature is enabled and apply the cloud-based floating license logic when required.

Add a new feature

  • Launch the QLM Management Console

  • Go to the Define Products tab

  • Select your product

  • Add a new feature called CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE

  • Note the Feature Set and Feature ID of this new feature. Example: Feature Set=3 and Feature ID=64

  • Save your product and make sure it gets uploaded to the server

Configure the QLM License Wizard

  • Launch the QLM Management Console

  • Go to the Protect your application tab

  • Go to the Customize Look & Feel page

  • Go to section 3 "QLM License Wizard - Behavior Properties"

  • Set the QlmCloudFloatingLicenseFeature to: <feature_set>:<feature_ID. Example: 3:64

  • Click Next and Save your customizations

  • Update your application with the newly generated files

License Key Creation

When creating a license key for a customer, enable or disable the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature as required.

Application Implementation

At the application level, after the license is validated, call IsFeaturedEnabledEx to determine if the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature is enabled. If it is, you must check-out the license at application startup and check it back in when the application exits.

The sample %Public%\Documents\Quick License Manager\Samples\qlmpro\Windows\DotNet\C#\QlmProFloatingLicense should be used as a reference for implementing this model.

Last updated