How to simultaneously support node-locked and cloud-based floating licenses
To simultaneously support node-locked and cloud-based floating licenses, you can use QLM Features to identify if the license acquired by the customer should be a node locked license or a cloud-based floating license.
The general steps to accomplish this are:
Associate a new feature, called CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE, with your product.
When creating a license for a customer, specify whether the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature is enabled
In your application, check if the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature is enabled and apply the cloud-based floating license logic when required.
Add a new feature
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Define Products tab
Select your product
Add a new feature called CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE
Note the Feature Set and Feature ID of this new feature. Example: Feature Set=3 and Feature ID=64
Save your product and make sure it gets uploaded to the server
Configure the QLM License Wizard
Launch the QLM Management Console
Go to the Protect your application tab
Go to the Customize Look & Feel page
Go to section 3 "QLM License Wizard - Behavior Properties"
Set the QlmCloudFloatingLicenseFeature to: <feature_set>:<feature_ID. Example: 3:64
Click Next and Save your customizations
Update your application with the newly generated files
License Key Creation
When creating a license key for a customer, enable or disable the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature as required.
Application Implementation
At the application level, after the license is validated, call IsFeaturedEnabledEx to determine if the CLOUD_FLOATING_LICENSE feature is enabled. If it is, you must check-out the license at application startup and check it back in when the application exits.
The sample %Public%\Documents\Quick License Manager\Samples\qlmpro\Windows\DotNet\C#\QlmProFloatingLicense should be used as a reference for implementing this model.
Last updated